Luigi Alfonsi
Lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire
Department of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics
📍University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield AL10 9AB, UK
📧 Email:
📞 Phone: +44 01707 284436
My Research interests
My Research interests
Quantum Field Theory
Quantum Field Theory
BV-BFV formalism
Higher Kac-Moody algebras
Higher geometric quantisation
String Theory and M-theory
String Theory and M-theory
Higher Structures in String/M-Theory
T-duality and U-duality
Double and Exceptional Field Theory
Higher and derived geometry
Higher and derived geometry
Generalised Geometry
L∞-Algebras and L∞-Algebroids
Derived stacks
Shifted symplectic and Poisson structures
Emerging interests
Emerging interests
Category theory for Machine Learning
Categorical information theory
Homotopy type theory
Applied category theory
M-theory and Mathematics 2023 at New York University Abu Dhabi
From left to right: Valera, Jurčo, Berman, me, Han, Schreiber, Mathai, Saemann, Sati, Voronov, Lambert, Bah, Tsimpis, Hull, Marrani, He, Singh, Giotopoulos, Szabo